Cadeira alta, dobrável e com cinto de segurança, por 29,95
Muda-fraldas / trocador, dobrável, por €59,90
O ginásio Leka, em madeira e de cores brilhantes, por €19,95
...estava a gostar muito de dar os Primeiros Passos...mas tive que dar o salto para o lado mais privado da blogosfera...e passar aos Segundos...
Quase, quase...
Está cada vez mais quase...
E sinto-me sem saber muito bem como vai ser...
Como vou saber que chegou o momento?
Será que vou saber distinguir as dores e as contracções?
Será que vai acontecer tudo "direitinho"...rolhão, águas, timing das contracções, mala, hospital, respiração, dilatação, espaço...luzes...acção!?
Será que vou estar acordada e vou conseguir vê-la logo?
Será que vão deita-la em cima do meu peito para que ela não se assuste e sinta o meu coração?
Sei que vai ser estranho não sentir mais a minha pequenina a mexer-se dentro de mim... e tenho a certeza que vou sentir falta de me sentir orgulhosamente barriguda...
Mas vai ser tão bom vê-la e ouvi-la, e poder tocar e mexer e brincar e tratar...
Ainda bem que está cada vez mais quase!...
6 days / 5 nights
Possibility of adding days or travel extensions.
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![]() Casa Monte na Comporta in Grândola, Portugal is a house that sits in its surroundings as if it had always been there yet it also manages to look completely fresh, cool, new and spectacular. The house’s undulating shape echoes the gently sloping sand dunes, and its hard and angular surface planes contrast beautifully with the rounded shapes of the surrounding trees. ![]() It has a bunker-like feel but it really does not look like a bomb-shelter because the exterior is broken into smaller sections with varying materials. The sky, the trees and the water in the pool provide all the color. Tactile texture is everywhere, inside and out. Light and shadow become the main players. The entire dwelling exudes organic calm. ![]() Although it seems so, this house was not built into existing dunes. The exact opposite happened. Luis Pereira Miguel and team at Lisbon-based Pereira Miguel Arquitectos, built the dunes so that they could situate the house under them. ![]() Pereira Miguel is a multi-disciplinary firm — architecture and interiors, commercial and residential — that works with various collaborators in Portugal and around the world. The seamless conversation between nature and house, surroundings and building is a theme visible in many of the firm’s projects but none as distinctively as in the Dune House. ![]() The two crescent-shaped Barchan dunes that the architects created hide the house under a road. Eventually, it will look like the sand, the house and the wind have coexisted here forever. In a hundred years, it may look like some secret hub of notorious infiltrators or perhaps it will look more like a dwelling of friendly earthlings. Already the house shows a delicious hint of ancient cave and that aspect is going to get better and better after years of wind and weather action. ![]() If you were able to look at the footprint of the house from the sky (and you are not, because it is partly under the sand), you’d realize that it consists of four slightly angled “arms,” almost like a wonky letter X with each section housing a separate function. ![]() From each section, the view and feel are different from the others. With the constant action of the forces of nature, the view will also shift year by year, season by season, inviting contemplation and creating harmony. ![]() Completed in late 2008, Casa Monte na Comporta in Grândola is, not surprisingly, drawing attention. It will be featured on Portuguese cable television this month and it will most likely be popping up in many design and architecture magazines in the coming months. That someone (other than me) is lucky enough to live in this house is almost too much to bear. ![]() Photography by |
Portugese Pavilion - Expo Zaragoza 08
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Na roupa de quem fuma e de quem está ao pé, nas cortinas, nos tapetes, nos sofás estão presentes, nas casas onde há um fumador substâncias tão nocivas como: amoníaco, monóxido de carbono, cianeto de hidrogénio (presente em armas químicas), arsénico, cádmio e polónio 210.
Ou seja as crianças que gatinham no tapete, que se apoiam nos sofás, que se penduram nas cortinas e que levam tudo à boca estão a ingerir substâncias cancerígenas, metais pesados, produtos tóxicos.
Problemas respiratórios e alergias , para não falar de doenças mais graves a longo prazo, podem ter origem nestas substâncias.
Fumar em terceira mão
Os investigadores do MassGeneral Hospital for Children, em Boston, alertam os pais para esta forma de expôr as crianças aos malefícios do tabaco, a que chamaram «fumar em terceira mão». Se evitamos que os nossos filhos estejam junto de pessoas que estão a fumar, também devemos evitar que os espaços onde habitam estejam sujeitos ao fumo do tabaco.
Todos sabemos como as roupas se impregnam com o fumo quando estamos numa sala onde alguém está a fumar. O mesmo acontece com os sofás, tapetes e cortinas. E o mesmo acontece no carro, por exemplo.
Não estamos a expôr os nossos filhos ao fumo apenas quando fumamos ao pé deles.
in IOL
Ya se ha desvelado el enigma sobre quién vestirá a la primera dama de Estados Unidos en la toma de posesión de su marido, Barack Obama.
Isabel Toledo ha sido la elegida por Michelle Obama para la ocasión.
La diseñadora latina ya ha vestido a la primera dama en varias ocasiones , siempre con discretos y favorecedores vestidos que resaltaban la figura de Michelle.
Después de que multitud de diseñadores de todo el mundo crearan bocetos para ella: Oscar de la Renta, Christian Lacroix, Karl Lagerfeld, Carolina Herrera o Marc Jacobs,... Michelle Obama se decantó por Isabel Toledo.
Se dice que la mujer de Barack Obama escoge para su grandes eventos a Toledo porque representa perfectamente lo que ella quiere expresar : elegancia en un vestido creado por una mujer latina y fabricado en su tierra, Estados Unidos.
Isabel Toledo es una diseñadora estadounidense de origen cubano casada con el artista Ruben Toledo, ilustrador de muchas de sus colecciones.
Lleva más de 20 años diseñando bajo su marca , con su mismo nombre, y también fue directora creativa de la firma Anne Klein.
La diseñadora ha sido condecorada recientemente con el premio anual de moda que concede el Consejo de Alta Costura del Museo del Instituto Tecnológico de Moda (FIT) de Nueva York.
Updated | 11:19 a.m. Isabel Toledo, the Cuban-born designer of Mrs. Obama’s inaugural outfit, did not know positively until this morning if the new first lady would wear the lemongrass-yellow coat and matching dress she specially designed for her. “We’re all up here watching the T.V.,” said the designer in a telephone interview from her New York studio. “It’s great. We’re so happy.”
Ms. Toledo, who has been making clothes in New York for 25 years, said the coat and dress were made of Swiss wool lace, backed with netting for warmth and lined in French silk. “I wanted to pick a very optimistic color, that had sunshine,” she said. “I wanted her to feel charmed, and in that way would charm everybody.” Ms. Toledo sounded overwhelmed. “This is so wonderful,” she said.
About thirteen people in her studio worked on the outfit over the Christmas holidays. “Chinese ladies, Polish ladies, Spanish ladies—I have a picture of everyone working on her clothes,” Ms. Toledo, who is 48, said. She added, “We’re all grateful for this opportunity, and we don’t even have a PR person!”
Like the other designers who have made inaugural clothes for Mrs. Obama, Ms. Toledo worked with Ikram Goldman, the owner of a boutique in Chicago called Ikram, where Mrs. Obama has previously bought clothes. Ikram also sells clothes by Narciso Rodriguez and Maria Cornejo, other favorites of Michelle Obama.
E agora vamos ver quem a veste logo à noite...